Thursday, February 28, 2008

Who Am I?

Well, I've done LiveJournal, Xanga, Myspace and Facebook... I figured I might as well give Blogger a shot too. I think I'll start out with a list of things that tend to define who I am, and then over time fill in that list with blog posts as "real life" gets slow and/or boring. Think of this as a table of contents to who I am. Of course, that is provided this whole "regular blogging" thing sticks.

  1. Name: BarlowBrad. Barlow is an obvious reference to the "Barlowgirl" song by Superchick, only I was that before the song was written. Yeah, I'll need to explain that later.
  2. Real Christian. I believe in God, Jesus, and the Foursquare Doctrine pretty much defines my beliefs, yet there is more. I'm afraid to admit my questions, failures, doubts and struggles, yet the best that I'm able I do it anyway. There is so much that I don't know.
  3. Nerd. I take that as a compliment.
  4. Athlete. I mean that in the loosest sense of the term in that I enjoy doing athletic things. Baseball ranks at the top. Oakland A's too.
  5. Musician. I write, play and listen to music. I'm an acoustic guitarist first, but I dabble in electric guitar, bass, drums and piano. Music is one of the ways I both communicate with God and worship Him.
  6. Dreams. I have them. Big ones. Like you'd think I'm full of myself if I told you them. Sometimes I am, but more I just know that God's gifted me and wants to use me to do immensely huge things
  7. People. I love them.
  8. Computers. I enjoy keeping up with the current trends, hardware, software, Open Source and gaming.
  9. Night. I tend to come alive at night, hence this post at 1:46 AM. I love the sun and I love California weather, but I just hate lying in bed waiting to fall asleep... so I wear myself out until I can fall asleep when my head hits the pillow.
  10. Deep and/or random. Just when you think you know me... I'll surprise you. They really don't know my rock and roll.
I think that's about it for now.

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